Anger Management?

For a little over a week, I’ve been waking up mad. I don’t have angry dreams or nightmares, I’m simply waking up with anger thoughts running through my head. And, actually, I’m not even mad. None of these thoughts are ones that make me mad. I’ve worked through forgiveness and I don’t feel anger when I look closely at the thoughts. So, you can imagine my confusioin as to why I’m having the thoughts.
Finally, I read something that triggered the memory that I am able to feel others pain. When I did individual Feldenkrais sessions, I could feel my client’s pain. This was helpful in that I knew exactly what was going on. I found I could work through the pain in my body and release it. Once I was able to do this, the client no longer experienced the pain. It was as if I was able to clear it from their body by clearing  it from mine.
It seems reasonable that, if I can do this with physical pain, why wouldn’t I be able to do this with emotional pain. Now, I’m not saying I can clear the world’s hurts by clearing it from within myself but it made sense to me that I might be feeling the pain of the world. The only way the Universe would be able to help me understand is by having me relive experiences which had been painful to me. That made sense. Kind of like how a Medium receives messages, from the other side, which shows things which have happened in the Medium’s life so they have an idea of what is happening in the client’s life.
So, I have been fine tuning how to clear the emotional anger from myself and it is working. To expand upon this, I have begun holding the intention that all Beings be encouraged to transmute their energies into Love and Light. I’m doing it this way because, if someone wants to hold onto their pain, they can. I am simply offering an option. Some people want to hold onto their hate and anger while others wish to release their hate and anger and still others don’t know how to release their hate and anger. This allows everyone to work through their hate and anger in their own way with Love and Light being an option.
I am meditating on this every night before I go to sleep because I know, while I’m asleep, the intention will be even stronger. I also meditate on this when I wake in the morning to start my day off from a place of Love and Light. Has the angry feeling left? For the most part, yes. Though I do still have the angry thoughts come into my mind. As soon as I catch them, I begin setting my intention and the feelings transmute.
This morning, while I was meditating on this, I had an interesting experience. I was consumed with the feeling I was releasing a majority, if not all, of my pain from my life. I felt sad at all the pain I’ve felt but it was a sadness mixed with love for all the lessons. I didn’t cry, which I thought was odd. When the releasing passed, I felt a calmness I don’t think I’ve experienced before. I shall have to wait to see how this plays out. I have noticed it has not stopped the angry feelings coming through. But I did notice I remembered what was happening more quickly.
How do you love yourself through anger? Have you managed to forgive yourself for all the anger you feel or have felt in your life? Have you noticed the lessons and what they have tried to teach you? Do you feel thankful for those lessons?

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