
Learning is an ongoing journey. I will make mistakes because that is the only way to learn. I will refine my learning until it takes the form which is most pleasurable to me. Why am I writing about learning? Well, I have been using WordPress for a very short time but it is becoming extremely obvious I must spend the time to learn how to use it so I can use it to give me the blog appearance and user friendliness I desire. This requires me to not only go through the tutorials but to try things I wasn’t really ready to try and do things I wasn’t really wanting to do. So, this blog is more a WARNING that I will be doing things on here that are outside my comfort zone. I might mess things up or make changes I don’t like then I will have to figure out how to correct them. 🙂

I will try to make my learning useful and interesting and part of my Personal Journey which helps me grow not only in the blogging world but as a person. My first challenge is to use the Zero-to-Hero process to become familiar with the WordPress options. Then I will do the challenges WordPress posts, periodically.

Doing these things means I will be on here more and have a variety of things appearing. This will be an interesting journey. In the end, I want this site to have a variety of offerings for you. I want this page to be a place of postings for both myself and my husband, Jeff. I wish to not only blog about my Personal Journey but about trips and places I visit. I also want to include a section on Super Simple Recipes for 1 or 2 (http://cooking4oneortwo.wordpress.com/). I’ve started another blog for this but I want to incorporate it here. My interests are varied and I want to be able share things that will, hopefully, interest a number of people. Ideally, I’d like to also include a section on my business as a Feldenkrais Practitioner so people, locally or if you are ever in the area, will know my available hours for individual work and when/where I am offering classes.

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