Tired But Not Sleepy

I have begun to take short walks. My achilles tendon no longer bothers me. It hasn’t for some time but it was too hot for me to walk so I didn’t. After I started traveling again, I wasn’t feeling motivated so it’s only recently I’ve taken to walking again. I stroll so don’t get any ideas of me power walking or even exercising. Of course, strolling is more than I’ve done in a long time so this is exercising for me. Besides, I’m more interested in simply moving than exercising to accomplish a mission/goal.
So, anyway, I’ve begun strolling a short distance in the mornings and I’m enjoying it. In the afternoons I will sometimes feel tired from the extra effort in my day. But I often don’t feel tired enough to sleep. When I feel this way, I’ve found I can meditate and feel rested. Sometimes I fall asleep and sometimes I don’t. I know many people say one must meditate in a sitting position. I don’t do well with rules so I tend to meditate in my recliner. Recently, I have decided to try meditating while sitting. Interestingly, I don’t notice any difference. Whether in the recliner or sitting, I meditate and then “come to” not knowing whether I’ve been asleep or wide awake. Since I’m sitting upright, I’m guessing I wasn’t sleeping. The only difference I notice between sitting vs reclining is after sitting my physical body feels fatigued from the effort of holding itself upright.
Today is a day of some soreness. I still get body pain for no apparent reason. I have begun to be kinder to myself and take some aspirin instead of suffering through the discomfort. I sleep better when I’m not uncomfortable. Part of me thinks it’s the extra activity of walking that is bringing on the discomfort. That would be understandable. I don’t know if it’s true or not because there have been days where I’ve walked and there was no discomfort later in the day. It could be sunny days vs overcast days. When the sun is out, I’m more likely to go outside and sit in a chair to enjoy. This means I will get up and go in/out of the RV to get water, go to the bathroom, change clothes to get more comfortable, remember something I left inside that I want outside, etc. In other words, on sunny days, I tend to be more active overall than on overcast days. I do think the discomfort is probably activity related. Again, maybe not. Maybe I should give up thinking about why the discomfort exists and simply accept its presence. That sounds like a good idea. 🙂 After all, the discomfort is not important. It’s what I do to take care of myself which is important.

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