Old Symptoms & New Insights

It has been about 3 weeks since I last wrote. Life has been pretty busy. I’ve stayed pretty calm and in a loving place the majority of the time. My ego has taken me down some bizarre roads of things that have not and will likely never happen but I have recognized each detour and brought myself out of it. They always happen when I am tired and I find that very interesting.
I’ve been experiencing some MS symptoms that I have not experienced in several years. Again, they happen when I am tired. Actually, they happen when I am close to exhausted. They have been enlightening in that I have been doing more than normal and while I’ve improved a lot over the past couple of years, it is obvious I still have to be very careful and am nowhere near where I want to be. That’s okay and I will back off now that I know my limits are just a little past where they were last year.
I had what Oprah calls an Aha moment the other day. I think of it more as a Duh moment. I was thinking about how my energy levels this week have been really good and I’ve done quite a bit; this was before the MS symptoms. I realized I’ve been around more high energy people this week than normal. Usually people need energy but this week I’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy time with some friends who did not need my energy. I think being around people who are on the same path as myself magnifies our energy and it seems to radiate out and magnify itself. I really like that aspect of the work I’m doing. I also realized I tend to really connect strongly when I am in session or around someone who is on the same path as myself. It occured to me I want to work on being strongly connected at all times throughout the day; this was my Duh moment. If I’ve thought of that before, I’d forgotten it or maybe I’ve not worked hard enough for it. I need to concentrate on staying in the strong connection the same way I concentrate in learning to stay in that moment when I’m working on someone. That moment is something I teach myself and I need to become vigilant about my focus.
Fall is starting here and the weather has been a bit cooler which has allowed me to be outside more. I love being outside and I wish I lived in 55 – 70 degree weather all the time. Those are the temperatures which work best for my body. I can walk or work outside without breaking a sweat or wearing gloves & jacket. So, I become more active when the cooler weather comes my way. I’m excited about my learning and I’m excited about staying in a sacred space at all times. I will admit it is really difficult to stay in the sacred space at all times but I know it will get easier and one day I will just realize I’ve been doing it. I look forward to that day.
I also want to let everyone know I will be looking for another hosting site. This site does not post any comments you make for at least 6 months and I’ve been unable to get the RSS feed to work with this site. So, it is time to make a change if I’m going to be serious about blogging. 🙂

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