
I deal with “awakening” through the work I do. I am a Feldenkrais Practitioner and my job, when I work with someone, is to help them develop more awareness about their body. I can do this work either individually or in group lessons. Either way, a person cannot become more aware of their body and remain unawakened. I did not put this together for at least a couple years after I started doing this work. The people who choose to continue and learn enjoy the process. For those who don’t wish to change their perspectives of their lives, they quit doing the work almost immediately.

People progress at their own pace but they always progress. I like using Moshe Feldenkrais’ principles because they allow a person to go within, find what they need, and also help themselves free up the constraints caused my constricted thinking. I love how a free body requires a free mind. It is completely amazing to me how connected everything we do, the things which happen to us, and our actions/reactions shape us. As we free our restrictions, it releases so much possibility within the body, the mind, the emotions, and the Spiritual. Allowing that progression and release brings people to an inner calm they often can’t remember ever experiencing.

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